Permanently Delete Facebook Account NOW

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Permanently Delete My Facebook Account NOW: Who says you cannot deactivate your Facebook temporarily or better still delete your Facebook account permanently? Even though we agree that Facebook is the easiest way to keep in touch with our loved ones, we may be biased by thinking in that direction.

I remember what a friend posted before he deleted his account and I quote “I once had a life until someone asked me to create a Facebook account” – It sounded funny but true.

You hardly keep in touch, no visitation, no hang out, just you and your device. That’s that on that so let’s see how to deactivate your Facebook account and take a break from this Facebook thing.

How to Deactivate Facebook Account

You can deactivate your Facebook account temporarily and choose to come back whenever you want.

To deactivate your account:

  • Click the account menu  at the top right of any Facebook page
  • Select Settings
  • Click General in the left column or visit:
  • Choose Manage your account then follow the steps to confirm

Note: When you deactivate your account, you can always reactivate it back and no one will connect with you throughout the deactivation period – no one will see your activities, profile and etc.

Also See: How to Temporarily Deactivate Facebook Account – Deactivate My Facebook

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